Gaming Without Limits: Our Top 5 Accessible Games

When it comes to accessibility, video games might seem like a tricky bridge to cross. With video in the title, the need for sight to interact with the game seems like a given. But, with out-of-the-box accessibility options becoming the norm and more games flooding the market than ever, are there games out there that can played without any need for sighted assistance?

Well, the answer’s a resounding yes. 

Not only are some of the most engaging, highly-rated games playable unassisted by the visually impaired but there are hundreds of audio and text-based games on the market that could help you unwind after a hard day or whisk you away into their gripping story.

Stick with us as we run through five of our favourite accessible games on the market right now, where you can pick them up, and our top tips for getting the most out of your experience!

The Last of Us: Part 1 & 2

Triple-A developers, Naughty Dog, blew the door to accessibility wide open with the release of The Last of Us: Part 1 & 2. Quickly becoming one of the most popular games in decades, The Last of Us found itself at number one of Empire’s top 100 video games of all time alongside winning Game of the Year from the game awards.

Together, the games boast an average rating of 9/10 from accessibility-focused review site, Can I Play That, noting, “The Last of Us is a testament to what can be achieved when accessibility is considered from the ground up and is extremely close to being flawless.”

With its use of well-thought-out audio cues and a fully narrated menu, button prompts, and tutorials, The Last of Us effortlessly transforms into an audio-only game that is 100% accessible to blind gamers from start to finish and with zero need for sighted help. Not only that but the games PS4 trophies are also entirely completable without assistance.

One slight setback we noticed is that the game opens without text-to-speech (TTS) enabled, but it’s an easy fix once you know how. When the game first loads, press down once on the D-Pad to select the TTS setting and hear the audio description for the first time. Next, press right on the D-Pad to turn the setting on and you’re ready to start freely navigating the menus with TTS enabled.

Set in a freshly apocalyptic world infested by spore zombies, it’s no surprise that the game’s story features mature themes throughout and might not be suitable for all audiences. If that’s something you can handle though, you won’t be disappointed. Strap yourself in and get ready for a cinematic gaming experience that took the world by storm.

The Last of Us: Parts 1 & 2 are available for purchase on the PlayStation Online Store for PS4 and PS5, or on Steam for PC.

Lost and Hound

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the finely tuned senses of man’s best friend? Meet Biscuit, the canine detective using her superpowered senses to make the world a better place.

Solve mysteries, track down criminals and help make the city safer in this casual adventure game designed to be played by blind and sighted gamers alike. Pause for a moment to hear in a straight line over a long distance, start moving and you’ll hear what’s around you in sharp detail. A low, pleasant hum represents Biscuit’s sense of smell, revealing invisible information to the naked eye.

Use your newly acquired super senses to guide your way as a K9 tracker in the Swiss Alps, track down missing people by the sound of their heartbeat, or work in a hospital to assist with detecting seizures amongst patients.

Lost and Hound is a friendly, heart-warming indie game with some moderately challenging puzzles suitable for the whole family. Having won a multitude of awards for accessibility in gaming and excellence in design, this unique experience will be a surefire hit with anyone with a soft spot for dogs or a love for puzzles and investigation.

Lost and Hound can be purchased via digital download for £16 on Steam for PC and features controller support.

Hearthstone: Access

You might’ve already heard of Hearthstone, the digital card game by video game giants Blizzard Entertainment that’s gripped a passionate fanbase since its release in 2014. 

With easy-to-pick-up but hard-to-master mechanics, stunning artwork, and the ability to play without ever paying a penny, it’s easy to see why this game remains so popular. Unfortunately though, out of the box, Hearthstone leaves a lot to be desired regarding accessibility – but that’s exactly where Hearthstone: Access comes into play.

Independently developed by the community and released free of charge, Hearthstone: Access is a mod that enables the game to work with screen-readers, allowing the game to be enjoyed without needing visual information. Quality text-to-speech makes such a difference here with each card having unique rules and effects when played, making it crucial to know what’s in your hand to plan your next move.

As a community-developed mod, a few features remain yet to be implemented, but when playing the mod through we found this didn’t affect our experience in the slightest. Nearly every game mode is available to play and as a whole, it really does feel indistinguishable from any official add-on – it just works!

The mod page for Hearthstone: Access can be found here alongside installation instructions, its full list of features, and an extensive list of FAQs

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown was created out of the desire to tell big stories without the need to worry about going over budget. Lucky for us, it just so happened that this came with the added side effect of being playable from start to finish without the need for sight.

You play as Alexandra, a blind princess in a fantasy setting, trained in combat by her Uncle and desperate to return home to the lands her brother rules. There are almost no visuals, only menus that are also read aloud to the player, meaning you’ll have to find your way around using the soundscape of the world around you. When engaged in combat, you’ll also need to rely on audio cues to identify the direction of incoming attacks and effectively parry them.

Being an audio-based game from the start, accessibility wasn’t an afterthought for developers Falling Squirrel. The game’s immersive 3D audio and story are only enhanced by the fact that players have to concentrate on the sounds around them and react when necessary, creating some uniquely captivating gameplay for sighted and non-sighted players alike.

Seek out allies and discover some startling truths about your family’s past in over five hours of engaging gameplay and story – just remember to bring headphones for the optimal experience.

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown is available for digital download on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.

BROK the InvestiGator

BROK the Investi-Gator is a nostalgic 2D side-scrolling adventure developed by CowCat Games. Hunt for clues, uncover new evidence and bring the bad guys to justice in this point-and-click experience built from the ground up for accessibility.

Inspired by a combination of 90s Disney Animation, punch-em-up arcade machines and classic point-and-click adventures, BROK the Investi-Gator was created by solo developer CowCat Games after being crowdfunded in just 17 hours.

In a futuristic world where animals have replaced humans, join Brok the Gator and his stepson as they make a living as private investigators after the mysterious death of his wife some years ago. With three different modes of difficulty, use your brain or brawn to make your way through this polluted city overwhelmed by corruption and finally shed some light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding your wife’s passing.

Featuring a combination of a fully voice-acted story, all text narrated through quality text-to-speech, and a comprehensive list of accessibility settings allow you to tailor the experience to your own specific needs. The developer here clearly put a lot of thought into adding accessibility without taking away from gameplay, with notable options such as high-contrast characters, positional audio, simplified room layouts, and audio-based puzzle options making it a dream for visually impaired gamers.

The game’s prologue is available as a free-to-play demo on Steam, where it’s received an “Extremely Positive” rating, allowing players to try the game and assess its accessibility features before purchasing. The full game, priced at around £18, offers a massive 15 to 20 hours of puzzles, action, and investigation, and can be found on most gaming platforms.

And more…

Still looking for more? There are hundreds of free-to-play audio-based games on the internet right now at websites like Audio Games where you can play until your heart’s content.

Accessible gaming has made tremendous strides towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of their visual ability, can enjoy the magic of video games. Hopefully, through this list, we’ve demonstrated that with thoughtful design and community support, gaming can continue to be an ever more inclusive place for all of us.

By embracing these accessibility options, you’ll immerse yourself in captivating stories, solve intriguing puzzles, and experience the thrill of gaming without barriers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the scene, there’s a wealth of games out there waiting for you.

We hope these recommendations inspire you to explore the diverse and innovative experiences accessible gaming has to offer. Happy gaming!