Welcome to

Sight Support


Inspiring Independence

Championing inclusion and wellbeing of people living with visual impairments.

What We Do

How can we help you?


Stay up to date with SSW

My experience as a VI Guide Runner – and how you can be or find one too! – by Stuart Withers
Personal Independence Payment (PIP): what is it and what changes are coming?
Join us at our Quiz & Chips night!

Get Involved


Join us as a volunteer and make a difference! From events to transportation, there are many ways to get involved and support those in need.

Get in touch to find out more!


Support us through your next fundraising event! If you're looking for a worthy charity to support, consider us. Your participation can make a significant impact in helping us achieve our mission.

Your donation has a direct impact on those in need. Your generosity provides essential resources, support services and programs, bringing hope and making a difference.

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I am visually impaired