How do you like the idea of getting instant access to thousands of RNIB audio books, free of charge, just by using your voice?
Well, that’s exactly what RNIB can offer! They’re giving away 3,000 Amazon Echos (smart speakers) to celebrate the launch of their Talking Books library being available on Amazon Alexa.
You can simply say “Alexa, open RNIB Talking Books” to access thousands of titles. RNIB Library and Reading Services are fully accessible via an Amazon Echo and you can also ask the device to call the RNIB Helpline.
Terms and conditions do apply.
If you would like to try out the Alexa, we have them at the Centre for you to come in and see what all the fuss is about.
Our Tech Advisor Ali is on hand to help set up your device at home, answer questions and show you everything Alexa can do and give ongoing support.
To book a slot with Ali, drop her an email – – or call the Centre on 01903 235782.